Audio Classes
Can't decide whether to commit to a regular membership? Try one of my most popular classes for free.
Practices available on Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
“Such great classes and I love the audio format! Matt is incredibly precise in his instructions so it was perfectly easy to follow.”
— Andrea M
“First time doing a yoga podcast but loved it being screen-free. Matt’s cues offer these seemingly small adjustments that transform every pose. Such a dream, I will be back!”
— Chris W
A New Year’s Yoga Nidra
A 20 minute yoga Nidra practice designed to enter the new year in a way that is calmer, with greater resilience and a healthy outlook.
Yoga Nidra for Better Sleep
A 35 minute yoga Nidra practice to induce relaxation for deep rest and sleep.
Salutations for the Morning
A 30 minute all-round practice designed to increase your flexibility, strength and mental focus ready for the day ahead.
Strong Hips, Healthy Spine
A 30 minute practice to explore how the relationship between the outer hip and spinal mobility.
Meditation for Fatigue and Tiredness
A 20 minute reclined meditation to ease nerves and allow you to return to your more natural state.
Post Run Stretch Down
A 20 minute practiced designed to do straight after a run, aimed at easing tension in the legs and around the hip joint.
Strengthening Salutations
A 30 minute practice that explores different takes on Sun Salutations to help cultivate strength, stamina and mental resilience.
A Gentle Flow
A 30 minute practice featuring mindful movement at an unrushed pace, great for when you’re keen to get onto your mat without being too ambitious.
Rhythm and Repetition
A full-length, 60 minute, moderately paced Vinyasa-class focusing on well-executed repetitive movements, set to a rhythmic and equal breath called Sama Vritti.

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