Side Plank: a world of possibilities
For many of us, Vasisthasana (Side Plank) is the introduction to the world of arm balances, though it’s not uncommon to advance quickly to more visually striking poses like Bakasana (Crow) and its variations.
The foundations of Vasisthasana are rooted in shoulder stability, mental focus and embracing balance as ever-changing and not stagnant. From there, its possibilities are plenty.
Finding and keeping balance in life is sometimes tricky. With so many distractions in a world that, especially lately, seems to conspire against us, it's easy to be thrown off course. Yet, it is important to remember that when we stay focussed, we have free will on how we navigate the inevitable challenges that lay ahead.
I believe all yoga practices, but especially postures relating to balance, embodies this notion.
Try these Side Plank variations and create your own possibilities.
Modified Side Plank
Easy on the wrists and a great entry into the diverse world of arm balances.
Modified Side Plank Quadricep Opening
Challenge your balance by bending the top knee and catching the top foot.
This version is great prep for Partridge Pose (Kapinjalasana), which has the same action as the top leg and foot, and the bottom leg extended straight.
Side Plank
The version you probably know best. Find stability in the shoulder joint by pressing the floor away and externally rotating the upper arm bone, and with a steady gaze, become reactive to the micro-movements that invariably evolve as a result of balancing on one arm.
1-legged Side Plank variation
Take your Side Plank to the next level by extending or bending the bottom leg. The base foot will need to press actively into the floor.
This version is also great prep for another arm balance, Visvamitrasana.
Forearm Side Plank
Wrist injury? Try this forearm version, and create possibilities with any of the leg and hip variations as above.