An afternoon of mindful touch, slowing down and relaxation.
YogaHaven (Clapham)
Saturday 5 October
3pm - 5pm
Join me for an interactive afternoon of massage, Yin yoga and deep relaxation.
Thai yoga massage is a unique way of bodywork that is performed on a yoga mat and works to stimulate the flow of energy through the body's energy line system. Working in pairs, you'll perform basic massage techniques like guided stretches and accupressure with thumbs and palms, helping to calm the mind, boost circulation and promote relaxation.
Like massage, Yin yoga assists in gaining a deeper sense of balance and calmness. Often considered the yoga of slowing down, Yin yoga offers a space to stay with our experiences by holding postures for sustained periods of time (up to five minutes). These longer holds encourages a softening of muscular tissues and helps to increase circulation and flexibility. You'll leave with a sense of inner peace and a reconnection with yourself, the perfect antidote to our busy lives.
Feel free to bring a friend to work with for the massage component, otherwise find a partner on the evening. Please wear your usual yoga clothing. Open to all levels of yoga experience, including beginners.